This is a page where the better chars are posted to keep them from getting out into the public.
Click the link on the char you want to download, click 'save' and save it on your desktop or somewhere where you can find it.
Now find the file called 'save' in the Diablo 2 folder, if you have trouble finding it right click the Diablo2 icon and click 'open file location'
or if you have windows xp you will have to go into Diablo2 properties then click 'open file location'. When you click open file location, you
will see a file called 'save', open the save file. Now go to the character file you downloaded and copy it (ctrl +c). Then after opening the
saves file paste the file (press ctrl + v) into the save folder, now open Diablo 2 and go to 'single player' or 'open' and your new character will be waiting.
These are all the best hacked chars i could find, enjoy.
RANKS: 1-3 = i wont even post it if its that bad, lol
5 = Lots of flaws but can kill and has decent items
6 = Not bad, kills enemies fine, but lots of flaws.
7 = Cool, lots of fun and kicks butt, maybe 1 or 2 flaws
9 = GFG!
Note: hacked Diablo 2 characters and iron maidens in hell some how do not mix. Melee attack an iron maiden at ur own risk of dying on the spot. Hopfully your pop-up blocker wont get in the way when downloading! if you need to, disable pop-up blocker so u can download.
All characters are softcore expansion.
Best characters: SadisticFreak, Fÿc1eÿc2aÿc5r, KC, FreeStuff_forU, and pyro-armageden, you may download as many characters as many time as you need too. Have fun with these chars picked by hand!