Die Masken Der Niedertracht Ebookers

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Die Masken Der Niedertracht Ebookers Ch. Get for free die masken der niedertracht seelische gewalt im alltag und wie man sich dagegen wehren kann ebook in pdf/epub/online. The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. Psychoanalytikerin und Familientherapeutin in Paris. Die Masken Der Niedertracht has 173 ratings and 32 reviews. Die Masken der Niedertracht Seelische Gewalt im Alltag und wie man sich dagegen wehren kann by Marie-France Hirigoyen Author Christina Puciata Narrator. Sign up to save your library. With an OverDrive account, you can save your favorite libraries for at-a-glance information about availability.

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Preview — Die Masken Der Niedertracht by Marie-France Hirigoyen

Emotional abuse exists all around us - in families and work. Stalking the Soul is a call to recognize and understand emotional abuse and, most importantly, overcome it. Sophisticated and accessible, it is vital reading for victims and health professionals.
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Jul 25, 2009Rhonda Rae Baker rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Shelves: abuse, dysfunction, educational, family, healing, legacy, motivational, non-fiction, own, psychological
Life is full of extremes, especially when it comes to the use of power. This book addresses the situations of abuse where manipulation isn't easy to identify. To the point, where a person's soul can be damaged so deeply that it could take them a lifetime to overcome what has happened to them.
In an abuse relationship, one usurps power over the other while the recipient accepts this as evident of their worth. They become convinced they are lesser humans and worthy of constant correction. Repressed
Jul 27, 2012Cameron rated it liked it · review of another edition
Stalking the Soul is an interesting, fairly quick read. The information found in the book focuses on the issue of emotional abuse, the more easily hidden form of control. I found the information to be interesting and helpful. I would recommend the book to anyone who is 'wondering if'. If a person is in a situation where they are wondering if they are experiencing abuse, they will read this book and find themselves discussed throughout the pages. Upon seeing this perhaps they will find the courag...more
Dec 17, 2018Luisfer rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Un libro para quienes nunca lo leerán y, por tanto, el conjuro de quienes se asoman contra los ausentes. Pobres, ellos y ellas, los esquivos. Habla del mal de un tiempo, incluso de un sistema, de una atmósfera que legitima el maltrato como una estrategia competitiva o como un rasgo de picardía ancestral. Un libro de palabras contra silencios corrosivos. Allá, ellas y ellos, enmudecidos. Se entra para enderezarse y para confirmar que ser éxito es ser. Una prueba de valentía, superada.
Dec 15, 2008Sandra Betts rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Feb 11, 2017Marina (Sonnenbarke) rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Reecensione pubblicata su: https://sonnenbarke.wordpress.com/201...
Mi sono avvicinata a questo libro per motivi personali che non starò qui a spiegare, ma che possono essere facilmente intuibili, seppure a grandi linee.
La psichiatra e psicoterapeuta francese Marie-France Hirigoyen affronta in questo libro quello che lei chiama 'harcèlement moral', tradotto in italiano come 'molestie morali', in inglese detto 'emotional abuse', tradotto spesso come 'abuso emotivo'. Affronta questo tema guardandol
May 02, 2009Karen rated it did not like it · review of another edition
I really wanted to like this book. Matter of fact didn't even really finish it. The author was so pompous. He is French and writing for an American audience, I think, blinded him. I felt emotionally abused by him!
Jan 02, 2013Sammi rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
An amazing book, no other book about narcistic behaviour is written like this one. Easy to read with great insights. I'm reading it for the second time now.
Feb 25, 2019Fede La Lettrice rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Una lettura che potrebbe essere utile davvero a tutti.
Oct 14, 2016Natalie Petchnikow rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Il est possible de détruire quelqu'un juste avec des mots, des regards, des sous-entendus : cela se nomme violence perverse ou harcèlement moral.
Dans ce livre nourri de nombreux témoignages, l'auteur analyse la spécificité de la relation perverse et met en garde contre toute tentative de banalisation. Elle nous montre qu'un même processus mortifère est à l'oeuvre, qu'il s'agisse d'un couple, d'une famille ou d'une entreprise, entraînant les victimes dans une spirale dépressive, voire suicidaire.
Feb 12, 2016Redphoenix2020 rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
This happened to me in my job and spread out into the community I live in. Being a 'team work' minded person focused on making relationships, jobs, etc work, I don't sit around playing puppet-master. I thought that was for creepy people in thriller movies. This book scared me and woke me up. It helps to see how someone could see me as a victim in some sick mental, emotional 'game'. It really hurt and was very scary, but helped me feel better to see that if someone has an agenda of pain and cruel...more
Oct 27, 2008T-mere rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Shelves: personality-disorders-dysfunction-s, psych-counseling, mental-health
Having a daughter with an eating disorder you soon find out how much erroneous blame, guilt and shame is placed directly upon parents/families in regards to having 'caused' the illness. Your lives go under the microscope and you find yourself getting so frustrated by so much psycho-babble and stereotyped assumptions!
Yet, there is also no denying that there are certainly abusive families, parents and relationships that will always be, unfortunately, a part of our society that will take a continou
Nov 15, 2015Victoria Mars rated it liked it · review of another edition
'La imaginación humana no tiene límites cuando pretende aniquilar la buena imagen que el otro tiene de sí mismo; sirve para enmascarar las propias debilidades y para colocarse en una posición de superioridad.'
Sep 24, 2011Lucy Wightman rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
This book is brilliant. Translated into English from French, we see how barbaric and clueless we really are as a civilization. Hirigoyen articulates the subtle, invisible and dark motivations and details the subsequent actions within relationships born of power, not love.
Jun 03, 2012Robyn rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
This author absolutely understands the dynamic between the narcissistic abuser and victim. Refreshing, and helpful.
Aug 22, 2012Philanthrocapitalism rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Absolutely essential for anyone who has opened their eyes to an unfortunate relationship dynamic. A true support system in the form of a book.
Jun 22, 2008Karen rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
A very validating and consciously awakening book for any who have been or are in emotionally abusive relationships. If you're not sure, read and find out.
Dec 23, 2010Helenezb rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Nov 25, 2010Yupa rated it it was ok · review of another edition
Manipolare con cura
Non ho alcun dubbio che quanto racconta ed espone Hirigoyen sia vero, e che determinate forme di violenza estremamente sottili, quasi invisibili, ma assolutamente devastanti siano diffuse in gran parte del corpo sociale, anche e soprattutto in quelle relazioni che, a uno sguardo superficiale, possono apparire normali e del tutto abitudinarie, come la vita di coppia, la vita in famiglia e la vita lavorativa. Forme di violenza che scavano voragini nascoste visibili solo quando e
Jul 14, 2016S.R. Coleyon rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Stalking the Soul: Emotional Abuse and the Erosion of Identity is an excellent book for anyone who's been exposed to environments and/or people more interested in chipping away at people's spirits rather than building them up. If you've ever read People of the Lie by M. Scott Peck, and liked it, this book is very much like that. It very clearly outlines just how manipulative some individuals and some groups can be in psychologically harming innocent people. It addresses systematic abuse as well-...more
Aug 23, 2008Naomi rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
I read many books about emotional abuse after going through a nearly life-shattering ordeal and this was the only one that really resonated with me. It dealt with all aspects of what I went through and identified aspects of the victim, the abuser, how and why it happened, why it's not your fault, etc. It made a huge difference and I was even able to get my spouse (who was not the abuser) to read parts of it so that he could understand what happened to me. I don't think any one book is right for...more
Sep 16, 2013Lucia rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Un libro sulle molestie morali nella famiglia e nel lavoro. Un libro molto 'tecnico' da digerire a poco a poco. Molto interessante il profilo che viene fatto dei perversi, delle vittime ideali e di come vittime e carnefici finiscano per incontrarsi: 'I perversi si nutrono dell'energia di chi subisce il loro fascino'. Un libro che ti lascia tanto amaro in bocca e la sensazione netta di ritrovare volti e situazioni.
Jun 29, 2009Franziska rated it it was ok · review of another edition
I didn't actually read the whole book but skimmed, and read bits and pieces. I think the author had some interesting and helpful information in the book. I liked her clarifying the various forms of emotional abuse by using examples. At the same time, the book was very dry in tone, and it was hard for me to stay focused. It could have been more engaging.
Oct 05, 2016Ozlembesik rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Manevi tacizde 'kurban' perspektifiyle empatiye yöneltmesi kitabı standart 'mazoşizm' algısından sıyırmış. Bu da alan içerisinde kitabı çarpıcı bir farklılıkla var ediyor. Aile ve iş ortamında günlük hayatın kronik stres kaynaklarının aslında karşı tarafın sistematik bir manevi tacizi olma ihtimaline dair farkındalık kazanma, erkenden tedbir alma açısından oldukça faydalı bir kitap.
Nov 07, 2016Johannes Ellinger rated it it was amazing
This is just a great book. Understanding that one out of ten is not capable of 'empathy' what enables unthinkable crimes to happen and fool 'normal' people in unimaginable ways. While I understand this as a great way of understanding past happenings, I would promote this book to each and everyone in order to prevent tremendous pain ...
Jan 26, 2010Leonard rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Another re-read of this insightful book by a French victimologist. Deals with emotional abuse in the home and workplace. I admire its brutal honesty.
Überzeugend geschrieben, bezieht klar Stellung und gibt eine Menge Denkanstöße, wie man das eigene Verhalten aber auch das Verhalten anderer einschätzen kann.
Mar 26, 2009Andrew Herrera rated it liked it · review of another edition
This book has many examples and descriptions of how emotional abuse takes place against victims but very few examples of how to defend oneself against it.
Aug 11, 2017Lisa Ramtzen rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
One word -exceptional. However, the translation to Swedish seemed a bit off.
Mar 25, 2009Angie rated it liked it · review of another edition

German Der Die Das Chart

My psychology degree and my personal experience with an emotional-abuser-turned-stalker selected this book. Time for some light reading now!
Dec 30, 2014MaryKay Keller rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
This the only book I have read on my professional career which credibly addresses emotional abuse. Emotional abuse always accompanies other types of abuse. It is a must read and learn!
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“Conclusión A lo largo de estas páginas, hemos visto cómo se desarrollan los procesos perversos en algunos contextos, pero es evidente que nuestra lista no es exhaustiva y que estos fenómenos van más allá del mundo de la pareja, de la familia o de la empresa. Los volvemos a encontrar en todos los grupos en donde los individuos pueden establecer rivalidades, especialmente en las escuelas y en las universidades. La imaginación humana no tiene límites cuando pretende aniquilar la buena imagen que el otro tiene de sí mismo; sirve para enmascarar las propias debilidades y para colocarse en una posición de superioridad. La cuestión del poder atañe a toda la sociedad. En todas las épocas ha habido seres carentes de escrúpulos, calculadores y manipuladores, y para los que el fin justifica los medios. Sin embargo, la multiplicación actual de los actos de perversidad en las familias y en las empresas es un indicador del individualismo que domina en nuestra sociedad. En un sistema que funciona según la ley del más fuerte, o del más malicioso, los perversos son los amos. Cuando el éxito es el valor principal, la honradez parece una debilidad y la perversidad adopta un aire de picardía. Con el pretexto de la tolerancia, las sociedades occidentales renuncian poco a poco a sus propias prohibiciones. Pero, al aceptar demasiado, como lo hacen las víctimas de los perversos narcisistas, permiten que se desarrollen en su seno los funcionamientos perversos. Numerosos dirigentes o políticos, que ocupan no obstante una posición de modelo para la juventud, no muestran ninguna preocupación moral a la hora de liquidar a un rival o de mantenerse en el poder. Algunos de ellos abusan de sus prerrogativas y utilizan presiones psicológicas, y razones y secretos de Estado, para proteger su vida privada. Otros se enriquecen gracias a una delincuencia astuta hecha de abusos de bienes sociales, de estafas o de fraudes fiscales. La corrupción se ha convertido en una moneda corriente. Ahora bien, basta con que un grupo, una empresa o un gobierno cuenten con uno o con varios individuos perversos para que todo el sistema se vuelva perverso. Si esta perversión no se denuncia, se extiende subterráneamente mediante la intimidación, el miedo y la manipulación. Efectivamente, para atar psicológicamente a un individuo, basta con inducirlo a la mentira o a ciertos compromisos para convertirlo en cómplice del proceso perverso. Sin ir más lejos, ésta es la base del funcionamiento de la mafia o de los regímenes totalitarios. Tanto en las familias como en las empresas y los Estados, los perversos narcisistas se las arreglan para atribuir a los demás los desastres que provocan, se presentan luego como salvadores y se hacen así con el poder. En lo sucesivo, para mantenerse en él, les basta con no tener escrúpulos. La historia nos ha mostrado hombres que se niegan a reconocer sus propios errores, que no asumen sus responsabilidades, y que falsean las cosas y manipulan la realidad a fin de borrar las huellas de sus fechorías. Más allá del aspecto individual del acoso moral, se nos plantean dilemas más generales. ¿Cómo restablecer el respeto entre los individuos? ¿Qué límites debemos poner a nuestra tolerancia? Si los individuos no pueden detener por sí mismos estos procesos destructivos, la sociedad deberá intervenir y establecer una legislación. Recientemente, se ha presentado un proyecto de ley que proponía instituir un delito de novatada para reprimir cualquier acto degradante y humillante en el ámbito escolar y socioeducativo. Si no queremos que nuestras relaciones humanas acaben completamente reglamentadas por leyes, es esencial prevenir a los niños.” — 1 likes
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Niedertracht ist eine Art zu denken und zu handeln, die bewusst böse ist.Seelische Gewalt bleibt oft unerkannt, da sie meist subtil getarnt ist. Perfide Machenschaften wie Lügen, Drohungen sind in allen gesellschaftlichen Schichten, in Beziehungen, Familie, Schule und am Arbeitsplatz verbreitet. Wie sich das auf die Integrität der Gepeinigten, die Unternehmungen und Sozialsysteme auswirkt, beschreibt Marie-France Hirigoyen mit anschaulichen Fallbeispielen.Dieses Hörbuch vermittelt Informationen zu den folgenden Aspekten
  • Perversion erkennen,
  • die schlimmen Machenschaften aufdecken,
  • adäquater Umgang,
  • Unterstützung und Hilfestellung für die Opfer
  • Publication Details

    GESAFA – Christine Lemke-Munsch
    Publication Date:


    • OverDrive MP3 Audiobook 206.7 MB
    • OverDrive Listen 206.7 MB


    Author :
    Marie-France Hirigoyen
    Narrator :
    Christina Puciata
    Narrator :
    Anja Jazeschann
    Translator :
    Michael Marx
    Posted on